Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Episode 5: California, Universities and Marijuana (Inteview with @californiaright)
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Today I sit down with Sarah (@californiaright on instagram) to discuss her home state of California, universities in the US, specifically with regards to government funding of these universities and the scholarships they offer, and finally, the legalisation of marijuana. We exchange some interesting ideas, especially when it comes to the discussion on the legalisation of marijuana (halfway through the podcast) as our views on this slightly differ. Hope you enjoy!
Introduction to California Right (and being right wing in california) — 0:00 - 5:54
Schooling, public school funding and scholarships — 5:54 — 14:36
marijuana discussion is 14:37 — 30:52
Outro 30:52 — 31:51
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Episode 4: The Politics of Generation Z (Vince Dao Interview)
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Today I sit down with Vince Dao of @daos.day on Instagram, and discuss an array of topics and his opinions on the same. Some of these topics include Gen. Z politics, identity politics, the future of the Republican party, Ocasio-Cortez and Social Media Censorship. It was a great discussion and I hope to have him on the podcast again as a recurring guest!
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Episode 3: Ocasio-Cortez and the Rise of Socialism
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
This episode is all about the economic genius (totally not being sarcastic) Ocasio-Cortez. She has become the new darling of not only the democratic party, but also of full-blown socialists. The only problem is the policies she supports are not feasible at all, and her numerous instances of citing false statistics and making asinine statements really tells us a lot about her understanding of economics. Me and Kunal break down socialism as a system, and then talk about Ocasio-Cortez and her recent popularity.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Episode 2: Alex Jones and Social Media Censorship
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
On this second episode of the TSD podcast, Anish and Kunal talk about Trump, social media censorship, and the Alex Jones situation. We address the unfair censorship of right wingers and conservatives on social media platforms and talk about why the censorship of Alex Jones was not justified -- regardless of whether you agree with Alex Jones' ideas or not.
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Episode 1: A Short Introduction to Your Host
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
In this short debut episode, I introduce myself, talk a little about my ideology, why I chose to name this podcast "The Sign of the Dollar" and what we will be talking about in future episodes. Stay tuned for the next episode, which is bound to be even more exciting! Me and my friend Kunal who will be a recurring guest on this podcast breakdown the censorship of Alex Jones and other conservatives on social media. .